Any visions for this piece?
Loving the green!
New flip 🌻🌻
How can I restore this dresser?
I no longer want to pay all the bills
My husband won’t change our daughter’s poopy diapers.
As an introvert, what do you guys do to recharge?
Want to quit but baby won’t take bottle
How do you guys manage sickness with little kids around? Need some advice!
New best 3 mile run time
Swimming technique
Sprint triathlon bike? I am a newb and I am poor single mom is this bike ok? I don’t wanna waste money that I don’t have
Back taxes
First time flipping - where should I start with these?
What do you tip for bad service?
Waiter asked me to double tip
Repainted! $15 for the dresser.
Any color ideas for this ?? Thanks 😊
My favorite before and after flip I’ve done!
There’s so many holes in this I don’t think I can restain. Any ideas for a color? Don’t hate me
$30 for the dresser, $15 for paint and $25 for legs and handles.
Can I sand and stain this? Like will it stain
Millionaire but don’t feel “Rich”. You?