Let’s talk about Devin
Virginia is stunning
The amount of misogyny in “Christians” is honestly disturbing and disappointing.
Unpopular Opinion
In his tour of Neverland Ranch, Macauley Culkin pushes Michael Jackson off the diving board while he's dancing on it, 1989.
What kind of job or income will get me a house like one of these?
Emem loving on David and Madison's relationship
Boone moves a solitary scoot--so much for the crawling "lessons"
Madison mocking Karla
Spring break in houston?
Lack of Black homeschool community
Trash human
How often do you/your kid encounter rude comments on homeschooling?
Karla's hair...
Emems ring…
Do Americans really eat dinner at 6PM?
Evil tropes from hell: The disposable black girlfriend/boyfriend
If the Clinton-Lewinsky deal happened today, do you think it wouldn't be as big of a deal?
Is Karla a golddigger and, if so, is that what turned off Juan?
I DONT WANT TOO, but…. I’m starting to believe Ikechi…
I see what Michelle was seeing now...
Gabby Petito Doc
What are the Casts Astrological Signs? Let’s Make Guesses!
Madison is for the STREETS!! 😂