Biden is very similar to Bartlett in that both accomplished very little
Has being an attorney made me less attractive?
Victory is mine! I drink from the keg of glory, Donna. Bring me the finest muffins and bagels in all the land. - Me after making bagels for the first time
Super Moronic Monday - Your Weekly Tuesday Stupid Questions Thread
Parking tickets
You are not "SLOW": You are simply at an early point in your training journey.
Which one of you knuckleheads is this?
What’s her first name?
Portland Youth Phil is playing today in Salem!
Who's got a good recipe? Just picking up a pallet for my 5K ultra
Yellowstone Landing Apartments?
If You Like Cheese, You Should Eat at Don Froylan Creamery
ELI5- Is there any reason why far right parties are becoming more and more popular around the world? Or Is it just a cycle?
Where to volunteer?
Get motivated!
People gatekeeping alcoholism like it’s Delta Sky Club (rant).
Any weird downtown stories?
Pain in my lower left bladder after unshod 11k, only when doing yoga?
Pain here, after unshod 11k, only one side, only when pulling knee/leg up. Tendon? Muscle?
Anyone else is completely incapable of training in z5?
Is this mileage increase too much too soon?
The secret is out
Th price of the cheapest eggs at grocery outlet…
Amy is annoying
Spiritual but non-religious community?
any local chameleon breeders?
I've got my eye on this setup. If I can keep it stocked like this, do you guys think this will be enough to fuel my 69 week training plan for my first 4.20km sub-ultra?
Someone handed this to me at an aid station