You guys aren't going to believe this but: A government law meant to do good for some, has killed an entire market for everyone
Just fucking pay us
Why tf is this sub filled with socialists
What do you think of democratically governed subreddits?
Watching you fags become the moral police this season has been a real treat. Cult of zero personality.
Rewatching the show and wat exactly was the plan for Act 3 it seems like Jet legitimately wanted to end the show with secret voting.
All the pay Burt posts
Did anyone get the clip?
By not paying Burt, Sam is ruining whatever integrity he and the show has left
Just did a chargeback on the shirt I bought. Fuck them for not paying. Do it for Burt.
Rewatching the season and if they actually didn’t pay Burt the fish who made the most confirmed money this season was Simbal.
Jobe and Paytons Dad are a funny duo
The guy (22M) that I (21F) am dating is learning ASL for my brother, but my friends think it's creepy. How do I proceed with this?
If they didn’t pay Burt, you shouldn’t pay for fishtank
Serious question: did people actually find Mizzy fat or is it a bit?
Say it ain't so Bongzaripper! I would have never guessed!!
Burt and 50k
Wish we got a Burt vs Payton 1v1 challenge ending
Burt actually wasn't paid the 50k
Payton's dad liked the show so much he's turned Payton's whole life into a never ending season of fishtank.
Payton whisper taxes her parents
Payton should be streaming consistently around the new year.
Payton still feels bad about stealing mizzys diary
When season 3 episodes dropping