Why is it now spelt "Chornobyl"?
Rotten Mango Thoughts?
Roliga/intressanta brevlådor (Ny trend på Sweddit?)
IsItBullshit: The human brain uses less energy than a lightbulb.
Swedish ID payment - question
fps problem with bots
Holy shit, you guys were right.
These games are so much better than any souls like
I Kroatien har man börjat bojkotta matkedjor
Ninja Gaiden’s Revival Is the Perfect Antidote to the Soulslike Phenomenon - IGN
Literally just started NG2B , what am I supposed to do when pinned down this way 🥲
Any recommendations?
Suède : le réfugié irakien Salwan Momika, brûleur de Coran, tué par balles en banlieue de Stockholm
L vill terrorklassa Foxtrotnätverket
Well I'm..speechless?
Razor's Edge Is....I don't know how to say😕
MAJ3R's one-year-old son is already starting to play CS!
Pimp joins Vitality as ambassador
It's not mentioned in the patch notes, but they've added an anti-glare effect to the AUG/SG scope that reduces brightness when aiming , making the crosshair stand out better in bright environments
Confirmed you play as Yakumo more than Hayabusa
Bombvågen: Polisen bevakar över 100 adresser i Stockholm
rfk saying antidepressants are harder to come off of than heroin is a perfect example of why we are fucked