Let's say, hypothetically, there was a Vaush-Room...
I don't know if someone already had this idea, but I always thought about making this when I saw a meme of this template here
سورة يوسف بصوت عامر الكاظمي مونتاج على مسلسل يوسف الصديق مطبق ع القران او علي صوت القارئ fre areabfuny punjabi halal sex 199% ALLAH LOVE سورة يوسف بصوت عامر الكاظمي مونتاج على مسلسل يوسف 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣 🥲 ☺️ 😊 😇 🙂 🙃 😉 😌 😍 🥰 😘 😗 😙 😚 😋 😛 😝 😜 🤪 🤨 🧐 🤓 😎 🥸
Iceberg of countries/states of mainly recent history
Remove the air block.
Who is this man and how can i learn his powers?
The council
Flag of the united states of turkestan
Flag of the US if the US were a country of Bees that invaded other countries for Honey
Have people like John McCain and George W. Bush been rehabilitated because they both oppose (in the case of McCain, opposed) Trump?
What is this flag pin on Christopher Hitchens' lapel? (During his debate with Tariq Ramadan on Oct. 05, 2010).
[dwm] basic dwm setup on my laptop
Ah yes i have -0 political power (Hearts of Iron IV)
EU regions with highest and lowest GDP per capita (Eurostat, 2018)
Based Russia
Unsubbing 😡😡
We have the same cat. It’s uncanny
Why did Nazi-Germany directly annexed the are around Bialystok?
[dwm] gruvbox - my first rice
Flags of Web Search Engines
[dwm] Hristos a înviat!