How did Fred and George learn to use to Marauders' Map?
How do you calculate 18 x 7 in your head?
Most affordable sushi spot?
Why do people think that the Search for Spock is not a good movie?
A guy begrudgingly takes over his family's business
They still have Halloween pumpkins out from October 7th. What kind of car do they drive?
What planet would you want to visit if you were transported to the Star Trek universe?
AITAH for not getting rid of my dog ? My ex gf 36(F) left me 32(M) due to mostly my dog, I’m still really confused.
Why doesn't Geordi mention his transporter malfunction?
What house do you think the Crouches were in?
Is it common to see improper sentences and basic spelling errors in middle school/Jr high?
A man dies then returns to Earth to find love.
Why isnt A Princess Of Mars(1912) talk about more ?
$3 million now, but you can only eat convenience store food for the rest of your life until you die
$50 Million to Eat Panda Express
What would Julius Caesar's legacy be if Augustus/Octavican never took power?
Huge fan of Parks a Rec and Modern family. What to watch next?
Tourist visiting LA for the first time, any tips, advice?
Are there any junk/scrap yards in/around Los Angeles?
Community. Yay or nay? My friend yesterday suggested me this sitcom. Should I give a try?
What was your first, best & worst concert ?
What car do these wraparound sunglasses belong in?
A karate instructor tries to help someone in need. Ends up on a new career path.