What does my sculpture taste like ?
My worst nightmare finally became a reality
staring at the bottom picture thinking it’s just a reflection and then it just changed to a different person.
Thoughts on signature guitars?
A forgotten glue trap in the closet 😬
Oblivion on the PlayStation 3. Will i have a good time?
Too dark or too cozy?
Picked up an adorable little rocking chair but the cushions are really dirty
This bathroom I went to in butte, mt
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
I just noticed this in the intro cutscene
Which of these arrows is deadlier?
You're given 10 seconds to say something that will make everyone in the room uncomfortable. What do you say?
Oblivion's ragdolls are something else.
Made my first leather trunk!
What did your parents have that you never will?
At a funeral and she turns up, what do you do?
People who grew up religious, what took you away from religion?
Ladies and gentlemen... The Slop Tart
Am I going to die or am I being irrational?
Now how should I name this mollusk of a woman?
What does my art taste/smell like?
I call it my dog food slop breakfast and I eat it every day
Coffee shop in my city that opened in 2009... it's gotta be inspired by oblivion right??
Eat it you coward
Infinity food