the fact that bro had the audacity to ask for the coin back
What do yall think astro's age is?
What's the significance of the number "15" on all fleet ships in HW3?
North Korean Generals
Came across this lunatic today!
Proč je moje domácí adresa veřejně dostupná v katastru nemovitostí? Jak ji odstranit?
Jaké to je žít sám v domě?
Hledám beta čtenáře pro svou rozepsanou knížku
To jsme na tom tak špatně s policií??
Why hasn't EIon apologized or clarified that he didn't intend to do the nazi salute?
The rebellion was NEVER going to work and this single line proves it
Bezdomovec dostal 100k, všechno to utratil a ve finále si stěžoval že to bylo málo
Whats the risk factor if JEPQ?
Nevim co mám dělat
Nepiste, volejte
Unpopular opinion: Player 125 is living proof that society hates weak men, perhaps even more than bad men
RANT: Batůžky v MHD
Ahoj na jiné zahraničním subredditu jsem koukal na diskuzi, kde se týpek ptal:"Když pojedu rovně, musím dávat blinkr?"
New Squid Game 2 Official Poster
How the Xs could have won a Vote.
THIS guy is 36???
České občansvtí pro Slováky
Why does the "don't give a fuck" attitude hurt some peoples' careers, but have no adverse effect on others?