The f is this?
Are these outfits too childish to wear at 39?
Relocation Charts - which looks most ideal?
Relators, which are the most challenging aspect of your work?
CMV: The Biggest Obstacle to Feminism (Especially White Feminism) is White Women
How to find websites marketing private house listings for sale?
Getting Helpful Answers to Your Astrocartography Questions
What would the vibe be in Sydney, AUS vs Dallas, TX?
Virgo risings
I do style guides on Pinterest for Venus+ Rising sign combinations. What do you think?
I [24F] had accidentally killed my boyfriend’s [28M] bird and had said hurtful things to him... I’m afraid that he’s going to hate me
why would someone leave a breadstick on my tire?
Odd situation with house sale my realtor says she has never seen before.
Which agent should we ask to sell our house? One is our neighbor.
Best transits/aspects for social media posts?
Was the ice truck killer obvious.
What's the psychology on people that are constantly late?
Do you like Taurus?
Renting Owned Home to Rent Apartment
I canceled on finding a house once Already. Restarted it. Now I want to cancel again!
I got laid off. Don't know where to go from here
Thanks, I hate a chocolate covered strawberry without the strawberry, inside view
Chocolate covered strawberry without the strawberry, inside view
Fan catches golf ball at a tournament
Instant regret after the first punch