Should I remove Kanye West from my playlist?
I Live in Indiana and am in Need of an Abortion
For those whom observe dietary laws most strictly, does preparing a Seder plate cause any problems?
Is it true that things like sexual abuse were really swept under the rug in the 1950’s-80’s? How bad was it?
My friend asked me if it looks good. What do you think? This is a wooden fountain pen.
My boyfriend is expecting me to be able to move out at 18 - my home life doesnt correlate with this..
Thoughts on B5 Movies
I don't need it... I don't need it.... I NEED ITTTTT
Wibta if I break up with my boyfriend after he beat me when I was having a panic attack?
Where to buy cotton yarn?
Ancestors may be Jewish along maternal line, but how far back is too far?
Amazon Prime🤬
What’s your TOP 3 Diamine inks?
I feel oddly ashamed to talk about my faith…
Please help me understand
Question about Jewish memorial tradition
Top 3 favorite ink brands?
If you could use only one ink brand for the rest of your life, what would it be??
Caking yarn. Thoughts?
I'm considering breaking up with my fiancé (29M) after he raised a baseball bat at me (26F) in anger. Help?
Glasses or no glasses?
I’ve Finished watching Babylon 5
I feel Broken. Regretting abortion deeply.
Notetaking with fountain pen🖋️
I recently finished converting to Judaism and treated myself to my most exciting NPD yet!