How did they attach the metal to the shell? It’s saying this is silver plated. So some sort of metal underneath. Just don’t know how they connect the metal to the shell. I’m a jeweler and want to move into objects….
Hollow Jewelry Manufacturing - Sterling Silver
Dog? On a forest trail in Angeles National Forest in Southern California.
where can i get custom made sterling silver jewelry?
Zodiac Signs?
My romantic chemistry with this person is shocking me to my core. Insight? Lol
New romantic prospect & have never felt chemistry this strong. Feel otherworldly attracted to him & also uneasy about it for some reason because of the intensity.
Does anyone remember Moufy/have his old mixtape saved?
After listening to “S-town” I’m looking for other podcasts that had twists in the story.
What can I do to tighten my jowls and neck? And to prevent things from drooling further.
9/8/2022 10:55am EDT Mega Thread
Body Found in the Search for Eliza Fletcher. Unconfirmed Identity as of 8:17EDT 9/5/2022
Hi. What type do you think I am? Posted myself at different weights to hopefully help. I am 5’ 10” !!
My body at different weights. What do you think I am?
What are these cute little plants? In Birmingham, Alabama.
Just tested positive