Custom decal
The exchangeable saw/file on the Surge has always kept me away: have to carry an extra part, less cutting area, wobble, etc. Does anyone like this feature?
Bib shorts with or without suspenders?
How do so many people in less affluent countries have S Works bikes?
ITAP of my car driving me home
Tesla on FSD to make it safe to take photos while driving
New Tire Day - are cottons comfy?
Ar10 featureless.
Too sick to go to work today which means no money to feed my family so I have to go catch dinner :(
I try to bring these two leathermans every time I go fishing
Put a name to this EDC
Being judged for blade steels I use
I love how this Benchmade just disappears in my pocket
The everything bag! (GR2)
Help I cant decide!
PSA: Don't use commercial oven cleaner on your groupset...
Picked up a new Garmin Varia mount!
New tire day!
New camera day!
Got a new film camera!
ITAP of a parking structure
Very sad day, snagged my pocket clip getting on a forklift :( carried for only 3 months. Will lm send me one or will I have to send the entire tool?
ITAP of an Arrest
Sometimes carried stuff
ITAP of my gun