gaijin when ; israel edition
got gta for free a while ago. installed epic games, now i have 2 versions, which one i should install? (for story mode)
Just got the mine, should i just spam tools there? The ones i have?
why is that is 2 looks so odd?
Greetings/ Well Wishes
what postion should improve? 11.5M budget
what formation is good for fifa carrer mode? (i have a pretty good CAM)
should i sell these if i have too much of these? (im missing tape and panels, but of those i have alot of)
Merkava mk4s in snow
best formation for fifa carrer mode?
what is the best fifa for carrer mode out of those? (i have only fifa 22, seeing if i should buy a diffrent one for carrer mode)
what should i research next? i just researched the TAM, gonna pair it with the alpha jet and the gepard
Israel should have been a subtree! Meanwhile israel if gaijin wont be lazy:
how is the g91 in arb? should i use it to grind the alpha jet, or continue using the hunter? also how is the uptiers in 8.7 arb?
which quote is better to put in my instagram bio?
Cant wait for season 2!
Turkish M60TM with PULAT APS
what should i research? i just got the F4U-4B for cas
could we say that ussr break because of chernobyl?
are there any pictures of the core / reactor 4 after the accident? did any tourists entered and saw it with their own eyes?
what are the next tanks i should research in order? (USA)