When did you start having visitors?
Postpartum cleaning
So mad at husband but also feel like it’s my fault
Are we changing their nappies at night?
Husband made me leave my 2 month old before I was ready
I have anxiety- please tell me if this is warranted
Contamination OCD with a baby
Contamination OCD as a mama of a young baby
Help a new mom who is new to low toxin living out please
I feel like the worst mom
FIL endangered my little one
Someone explain growth charts please ?
What to do with baby when you need to put her down for a quick min
Questions about earthquakes as a NorCal resident
Milk leaks everywhere help
Americans in Paris? Advice please 🩷
Feel like such a failure as a mom- really struggling
Housing near Sorbonne/ other Q’s about Paris for Americans
3 wk old bilirubin?
Anyone know what a normal bilirubin level is for 3 wk old?
How clean do you keep your house/ hygiene routine with baby?
Can someone explain why bottles sterilized in a pot can’t touch the sides of the pot??
So mad rn