What are the biggest payoffs in tv shows?
How can I get rid of this
Which sandwiches are better on brown bread rather than white?
Warm, sexy, gourmand vanilla recommendations?
Perfumes that smell like a literal fruit or lightly citrus-y?
Favorite Skin Scent People Don’t Talk About Much? I
Best/worst blind buy?
[Discussion] What is the last product that you purchased due to this sub and what did you think of it? - AB Edition
What is something you think is missing from the skincare market?
Looking for a ‘signature scent’…
Any other shows like this?
I was so ready to hate on PHLUR fragrances
shows like TML
Eye products
Shows similar to You
my hair is a lost cause :(
What’s stressing YOU out right now ?
Why will my teeth not whiten no matter what I do??
Sad Member of the Never Nail Club
Must read vampire book?
Are there many longer, more "epic" horror novels out there?
Looking for a game to sink hours in to
What are the absolute best smelling leave-in hair conditioners out there that will make people smile each time they walk past?
Bras are the worst
Name something that is a sensory nightmare