What would you do if you had 6 months off, fully paid at your current salary?
Trump says Ireland cheats the US as its leader joins him to celebrate St. Patrick's Day
TIFU by learning that people wash their chicken
Honestly. What do you want when you come home?
How much do you crave touch and affection?
Are you cooked or Nah?
What injuries have you continued to train with while healing? What injuries have stopped you from tracing until you recovered?
Seriously, what do you do after work (9-5)?
What do you call her? Bra or Bulla? And why?
He's spitting facts
Tips on being a better pad holder?
Gentlemen, what would be your go to weapon for a zombie apocalypse ?
TIL Lobsters urinate from their face. They also piss on each other's face to communicate social status
What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good
You're stuck on a 12 hour flight, what seat are you taking?
What trainers do you recommend to go with blue jeans for casual stuff?
What's your dream WHAT IF fight that never happened ?
Jiri responds to Ankalaev's tweet.
What is the most controversial film you have ever watched?
At this point does anyone else even come close?
It is a sunny day, so I decided to visit the Hürtgenwald 🫡
What is ruining your mental health?
How long does it take you to get up and ready to head out the door in the morning?
Guinea Pig Devil's Experiment is the most fucked up movie I've ever seen
Which artists have stayed most consistent/changed the most?