Best Raid Builds?
W: Overeater & Anti Armor Mods H: Fasnacht Masks & Caps
F1 23 PC Game Pass VR
Galahad II Trinity O11 Vision Configuration
W: CAMP Plans H: Masks, Caps, Junk
W: CAMP Plans H: Caps, Ammo etc
H: Bloodied Mod W: Quad Mod
Gamer Wanting To Read: Any Ideas?
Best builds has to be one of the most poorly implemented features I have ever seen in a game
H: Level 35 Indigo & Pink Baseball Bats W: B/Q/AA Commando Weapons, Apparel, Plans, .45 or Junk
H: Plans W: .45 / Other Rare Plans
How do you join a friend on PC game pass?
W: Red Asylum Dress H: Masks (Listed)
H: Enclave True Stock W: Caps/Junk
W: Copper H: Other Junk/Flux
H: Butter Churn, Pepper Shaker & Weenie Wagon Plan W: Other Rare Plans
W: Skull Lord Suit & Helmet H: Caps/Junk/Flux/Leaders
H: Q/25ffr/15r Tesla Rifle W: Glowing Masks
H: Win a Crazy Guy mask W: Guess my favourite Pokémon!
H: Fasnacht Masks W: Junk
H: Over/Ap/Cav Scout L Leg W: Caps
W: Holy Fire & Elders Mark H: Caps
H: Enclave Aligned Splitter Mod W: Caps
H: Q2515 Tesla Rifle W: Apparel
H: List W: Responder Helmet