Fed up with 1916
Barbarian keeps....
Is this normal? 😮
Please help me destroy some bullies
Come to 3X kvk winners 1920!
Kvk4 registration timing
KVK4 registration question
My best gold key opening(11)
1920 is recruiting for KVK4! 3X KVK winners
should i spend universals on charles or not? some tell me to get him to 5511 other say don’t spend heads on him at all
One of our players unfortunately lost a relative. Rest of the alliance showed incredible solidarity to let them know we’re thinking of them, and that they’re not alone. They’ve been there all day. This is why I love this game.
Equipment questions
3X KVK winners 1920 are recruting!
3X KVK winners 1920 is recruiting!!!!!
New gateway laptops upgradable?
Expedition shop
Sunset canyon equipment
If my amplifier has no subsonic filter, should I not use a ported enclosure?
Osilloscope vs DD-1
Component speakers are rated as 2-40W RMS. Does that mean I can use an amplifier that is between 2 and 40W RMS for those speakers?
2006 f150 super crew cab
Settings gains with o'scope
Sub woofer air space
Going active with just an amp
Component placement