GL1054 vs GL0381 Help?
Former Marine sergeant smuggled guns to Haiti in plot to train army and become president
Anyone else get this error when trying to search for jobs on connectSC or viterbiCareers?
Anyone invest in a convertible note in a startup?
Spring Internships
EE 109 vs Math 407
Paying for PDP
All of the top 25 schools, including the University of Michigan Ross School, will use a hybrid approach, with two exceptions: USC Marshall School of Business and UCLA Anderson School of Management, which both will be fully online.
30 y/o considering career change from academia to tech
I made a stupid mistake and paid $300 for reddit coins. Now it's raining gold medals. 🏅
TIL in 2011 a marine called customer support during a firefight because his M107 rifle failed and got it back working
Well that was a trip
Freshman CSCE major laptop recommendation
Fast food restaurant franchise experience?
I'm used to working at or just above minimum wage. I live on my parents' couch. I just came into money and I don't want to blow it.
Will my car get broken into?
Anyone with experience of pitching new business to investors?
25k cash for rental with tenant. How much damage is too much?
Quitting my job to pursue an MBA?
Online vs Offline
School is Back!!!
20,000 inheritance: Use towards Car Loan or Student Loan?
Fedex is threatening to stop shipping for me due the volume of my shipments. Any recourse?
My parents have 0 savings and expect me to provide for them financially