Vechain refund concept for plastic bags. Could also be applied to plastic bottles
'Morning Joe' Speculates Trump May Quit Before He Gets Fired
Trump Obstructed Justice
Dan isn't the stupid one here
"Big day ahead for Nigel Farage and his new Brexit Party as he launches his European election campaign. Shame he forgot to register the website."
Serial Liar called out
William Barr Gives Trump What He Wants, Forms Team to Investigate the F.B.I
Team of researchers behind the first picture of a black hole. Lets give them the recognition they deserve
A fish trapped in a jellyfish. The trapped fish was able to control where the jellyfish moved, like some kind of twisted submarine.
Register to vote
Theresa May says her faith in God gives her confidence she is 'doing the right thing'
Twin Towers world trade centre brochure.
USA. New Jersey. 1983. Downtown Manhattan with World Trade Center towers, seen from “lover’s lane’ in New Jersey.
I’m sorry everyone
Huge coverage of tiny Farage protest march this week. No talk of the upcoming Peoples Vote march or the hugely popular Revoke petition.
So, her speech. Discussion:
You're not going to be able to "Unsee" this!
New report implicates Trump in same crime that’s sending Michael Cohen to jail
Why you'll never meet a white supremacist who cares about climate change
Theresa May banned from another commons vote on same Brexit deal
I found my high school id from 2003-2008.. I think this fits here
Toilet Paper Rolls Scrunched into Faces
Basically the pied piper now
When Trump raises the prospect of political violence, there’s a problem
Trump deletes Breitbart post about how 'tough' his supporters can get