Meanwhile the children of Germany, Switzerland, and Austria are confused why the Americans have banned Kinder Eggs.
What will he do with it?
Die Menschheit ist verloren!!1!
I was gifted a brick from one of Hitler's homes for my birthday.
Unlike other species of snake that hiss, King Cobras can growl!
No rules against submitting a sex scene, what do they mean by this?
Was für ein Ladekabel passt da rein?
For those who know the lore, who is your favourite legendary lord in terms of Warhammer lore?
Faschisten abschieben
OK. Das macht komplett Sinn. Keine Fragen mehr.
He ruined everything..
I have my own custom dynasty and lore for my modles I'm curious what some of yours are :>
Heller Lichtstrahl im Himmel
The storks while vital, are not immune to shipping errors
Seevölker gab es auch in Ostasien
Ich kann das alles nicht mehr