AITA for not talking to my girlfriend because she took her male coworker to a wrestling event instead of me?
spending a lot of money on a prom dress is totally ok
People who don’t use airplane mode on flights are the reason for turbulence.
Am I the asshole for staying in a toxic relationship.. I need a way out
According to most of the comments California should get 0 federal fire relief. Wtf is wrong with people? These are your countrymen, your brethren.
AITAH for refusing to give up my honeymoon suite to my sister and her newborn?
Dutch toilet designs just hit different
Texting and driving deserves the same hate DUI gets
Sometimes kids ARE the reason the relationship ends
Scared my kid will suffer cause of only fans
I just turned 30, time to get roasted!
Be honest please...too big?
The dress my mom is planning to wear to my wedding. She sent this to me yesterday and I still haven’t replied
The government should not be involved in marriage at all.
My Wife and I have had separate finances for 25 years. It works for us. Not really a vent but... normalise having separate finances
Europe targets homegrown nuclear deterrent as Trump sides with Putin
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Obama, Bush, Clinton, Biden staying silent on Trump dismays some Democrats
How about my nose? x
Steve Bannon does a nazi salute at CPAC today. What's ADL's excuse this time?
Jewish Comedian Jerry Seinfeld Proclaims ‘Let’s Go IDF!’ at Mets Game
The Grand Nagus...and now James Bond
48m. Love the sound of my own voice. Roast me.
Do You Think The US Supreme Court Regrets Its Decision To Give Trump Immunity From Prosecution For His Crimes?
Maine May Soon Join Calls for an Article V Convention to Amend the U.S. Constitution -- "Lawmakers are suggesting that amendments be made to impose term limits on members of Congress and Supreme Court Justices, as well as to institute campaign finance reforms."