Cleaning the car interior
She’s Beautiful 😍
Is WingStop stepping up their game? These wings are noticeably larger than their normal.
Buttery Smooth Criminal Footwork. 🤯
Dad...are you coming home?
Don't yall ever forget...
Angry Wild Boar Attacks A Man In Residential Area, Local Bystanders Try To Help
Let's talk about rumours of the new titles coming up...
What are your best strats to getting a patient too unstable for the floor into the ICU?
Has anyone done a rough estimate on how many extra cells every additional wave of death wave equates to?
Wait for it, slam!
Rabies 101
So many bats
Not to beat a dead horse but as an IM resident, how can NPs feel competent and practice solo after so little training?
Current target priority
Classic Bush move right here
Y'all weren't kidding !
Rate my setup
Everything in this country is too much
Elephant goes rampant in a festival in india
Not an obligatory 5x5x post, but what the hell
Just maxed my first card. What’s yours?
What song would you be listening to?
What I wish would happen when I decide to buy modules…