If you’re planning on buying any gear you should probably get it soon.
Advice about firmware updates.
Just drilled a hole in my guitar do I need to plug it to stop all the toan leaking out?
Which knobs look the best on my guitar? Or should I try to find black top hats with gold font / reflector 👀
What Kind of Music do i Play?
If you’re planning on buying any gear, get it soon!!!
Positive Grid support email
If you’re planning on buying any gear, you should probably get it soon.
Thinking about giving up on guitar
Is sight reading possible to learn as an adult?
I want to play like Tim Henson. What’s the first thing I should do?
After a couple of months, good tones from the Spark 2
Bass on spark 40 into reaper
songs that are easy to play with small hands
Any updates on frozen amp control issue with latest app update?
One of the buttons on my Spark footswitch fell off, it does not seem to "screw" back on? any advice or fix?
DON'T Download 4.2.1 Update - Knobs Frozen
What do these exactly mean?
Which guitar should I buy?
Cable inside is too short. Any tips on how to lenghten the cable?
How do I tell my mom that I want to play electric guitar?
What genres do you think I play?
Cracked plastic round the pickups. Is this a common issue with Schecter's? I think maybe the screws were too tight.
I think I like positive grid
I have been "promoted" to the attic