My vacation plan in America as an European:
Man lifts 405 pound weight from the side, flips it onto his back, and does squats with it
They cheated
RFK, Jr: The Trump White House will advise against fluoride in public water
The Comedy World Has Been Waiting to Talk About How Much Tony Hinchcliffe Sucks
smash or pass
My New G9 is Legitimately Taller than Me on Its Side
Getting Started with Boar Hunting in Central Florida
How do researchers come up with these ideas?
CV Paper Reading Group
Unconventional AI topics
1 Bed Shared Bath (5 minutes from UCF)
Stormgate AND ZeroSpace??
Renting rooms in a house
Room Rentals in Quiet Neighborhood near UCF - $875/month
sophomore male, desperately need housing
Room for male PhD student with two cats
Driving from San Jose to UCF
What tattoo made you walk away from a person?
Who else wants to make an alt but won't due to stash space issue?
Looking for private room/bath (Fall 2023)
Which fictional characters should have to register as sex offenders?
My attempt at summarizing a 30 page survey into a blog post.
My attempt at summarizing a 30 page research paper
[D] Are there emergent abilities of image models?