Commented on a plant exchange post
The LGBT community is the only reason I wish I wasn’t gay
Yet Another Consequence of the Pandemic: More Plastic Waste
How to Set Up Illegal Fish-Fighting Rings for Fun and Profit
Does anyone else wonder who they could've been without their trauma?
Do any of ur Nparents hit you n tell you to not cry , sorta invalidating ur tears / devalue ur tears by saying "Oh she always cries for attention, Dont give her that"
Anyone heard of repetition compulsion?
What is/was the most important/attractive/necessary thing about the Yang Gang?
Andrew Yang Calls For $2,000 Monthly Checks for Duration of Pandemic
Do you see hapas (mixed white/asian people) as white, asian, or just both? Can you tell someone's hapa right away or do you assume they're white?
DAE feel paralyzed now that you can’t distract yourself from CPTSD with productivity?
Has anybody been self isolating/quarantining alone?
I hate this wave of compassion that only concerns "normal" people
Would the Amish get UBI?
Evelyn Yang on autism and the pandemic: “Families are suffering … they’ve been abandoned”
Progressive Caucus demands Nancy Pelosi unveil a bold coronavirus package — with $2,000 monthly UBI | Raw Story
A homeless man rests on the sidewalk, surrounded by homes that have space to house him. Is this what we want for our society? Could this be solved with basic income? What actions can we take to solve this?
Someone find grandma a curling iron
"You're nothing but a little girl."
No other commenters needed. Ever. My grandma's got it covered.
DAE’s ears prick whenever your name is called by a parent?
Anyone else just, unable to work? Like you want to, but can't?
DAE relive old hobbies and comforts?
Can't stop remembering when I get new flashbacks or remember "new" stuff
did anyone else’s nparents try and turn it around and claim you were abusing them?