My experience running the Draw Steel! playtest from 1st level to max level
Sell me on your favourite TTRPG
[40k] [Online] [Bi-Weekly] [EST] Traitor's Hymn, a Wrath and Glory short campaign.
[Online] [PF2E] [Tuesdays 7-10 PM EST] [18+]
MMW: Gretchen Whitmer will be on the 2028 Democratic ticket
VTT for Shadowdark?
Draw Steel is going to be significantly more approachable with a Virtual Toolset for making characters.
Using Forge Steel Character Builder with new Packet
America will regret its decision to reelect Donald Trump
Someone shouted "Jesus is Lord" at a Kamala rally and Kamala responded by saying that he was at the wrong rally.
[5e] [Online] [Homebrew] Break the frozen heart
I realy regrett buying the 2024 rules, How do you handle it?
Habro CEO Chris Cocks says he wants D&D to "embrace" AI.
What are your thoughts on the Harris and Trump debate?
[Highlight] Isaiah Likely was out BY A TOE
[Online PbP] [5e] 4 (maybe 5) players looking for a DM with a home brew campaign looking to use new 2024 ruleset
D&D Beyond deleting all 2014 spells and Magic items
Pre-draft ranking in ESPN App
2024 NFL Schedule in Calendar?
What assumptions did you have about the setting that have been proven wrong with the RPG content?
My christian boyfriend won't let abort the child if I were to get pregnant
What other hobbies can I get into other than gaming?
No such thing as a regular month
I'm Stealing from my "For Next Month" Category
What To Do If Players Hate The System?