When you see the name "Layne", do you assume it's a boy or girl?
My (23M) new girlfriend (28F) refuses to use contraceptives
MIL said my 2yo will fall behind if we don’t give him a tablet
My mom said I was “a genuinely horrible person” and I can’t stop thinking about it
SO wants me to change my name
How common is Colton?
How would you pronounce my daughter's name?
A picture my 3 year old daughter drew.
cool nickname?
Bruh can you just be normal
is lillyanne pronounced (lilly ann not lillyin) a tragedeigh?
People think about raising babies; nobody thinks about raising teenagers and eventually adults
Are boys easier than girls?
When you’ve got a whopper of a name
Last name ideas for the names Ava and Naomi
My family and friends are giving me a hard time over my baby name choice. Is it really that bad?
Rowen or Rowan?
Genevieve Paiement
Is my baby names a tragedeigh?!???
Pronounce my name
What are these Danny Go! lyrics?!
I’m Lucia and no one can pronounce it, how would you assume it’s pronounced.
Is it lame to send out a Christmas card as a single parent?