Mexican crowd
Victoria’s Up & She’s Down
R/seinfeld how do we take this, and add that?
Who do yall think should go here?
A cool guide hangover cures
I would've loved this crossover, how do you think it might've gone? No wrong answers.
Which Star Wars movie is your favourite???
I'm Kramer.
Why are guitarists SUCH FUCKING IDIOTS??
My contribute to the weird hand post
Olive (The Back Scratcher) wins best personality GF for Kramer. Who was the best looking woman he'd dated?
I made a Seinfeld guitar…
Jeanine Pirro: "No no no. I’m glad he did what he did with Canada"
This might seem a little random, but something that I really like about Batfleck fighting style is that he fights “angry”
How I feel after ordering a Big Mac but skipping the special sauce because of the diet.
I love the fighting in this game
Mark would like to know if you have found the lord and savior, Jesus Christ?
Before and after of the photo edited by Vic Berger IV
Ricky was making 20k per year in 1956 - Allowing him to buy the Tropicana, and rename it Club Babalu.
I’ve been married for 10 years…
Tool reacting to fans complaining of identical setlist
He is merry I’ll give him that.
Where can I find a sword that looks like this?
What is this?