I'm thinking this is a good card I pulled?
I'm a person who really dislikes seafood, but I really want to try to expand my palate. What fishes or specific recipes would you recommend I start with to acclimate and possibly even enjoy the taste?
Gay Cook Pride
Millennials who no longer wears skinny jeans
What are your favorite anti-nazi pop-punk songs?
Two types of BPDlovedones
My cook for R/A?
Anyone else have random favourites enchanted cards?
6 booster boxes no enchanted
why do i smell like shit when I sit down ?
As a new player, how would you spend $400?
New Year's Haul
Flynn Rider has genuinely ruined my life
Why is Merlin Rabbit good?
Lemon Lime Discard
Binder Art
What is your reason for not drinking alcohol?
Your Personally Most Underrated Album OAT
Playlists of female vocalist pop punk songs?
Tell me your top artist this year
What was your final 'Resting' Emotion towards them? Hate? Pity? Indifference?
Do girls still swoon over Pete Wentz?
Pop Punk songs about failed relationships, were the narrator acknowledges that they are the problem.
Just opened a booster box to this? Has anyone seen this before?