This might be something I may like doing as a job
Any fun jobs for autistics?
[Serious]Those who haven't contracted COVID yet, what do you attribute it to?
stabbing pain right side of chest
league is too hard
Be honest, do you like Capricorns or not?
i'm obsessed with the worst guy ever
facebook is like midsomar
anyone here done creepy stuff
I made a fake facebook and feel creepy
sharp pain in right chest from stress.
Does your ocd mess with your pure intentions
dont think virgos and caps get along.
im a virgo and aquarius is my favorite sign
Breathing Problems
breathing problens
ocd about being a creep
How to productively deal with shame/guilt?
I cant deal with capricorn
Anyone here have numb hands or feet from ocd?
How can I be so detail-oriented yet still miss details? Screams
Apologizing is bad
who here chose not to apologize?
Chest is tight, head feels full and hurts to move, extreme chest pain, drowsiness, tears
can anyone give me any advice on how to get over people?