AITA for telling my BF he needs a reality check?
Are these kittens tortious?
Is this normal? I’m about to quit…
Never had torties and now I have two.
Repeat abscess?
peritonsillar abscess update??
I (34f) am thinking of just never coming back after Christmas to my bf (31m)
AIO for calling out my boyfriend (30M) for dodging my questions about having kids and accusing me of being insecure?
peritonsillar abscess
AIO Cats
Should I believe women that say looks and height don’t matter?
How to approach of negotiate payment?
I’m genuinely scared I left this guy 2 weeks ago
My (21f)'s boyfriend (22m) thinks 'body count' means amount of times you've had sex so he's telling everyone my body count is 40+. What do I do?
Ladies! What is a good comeback when a man tells you that you should "smile"
AIO to bf sending me article ‘13 ways to keep your husband happy’
What’s a good comeback for “I’m not leaving without getting your number”
Rudy Giuliani was one vote away from swimming in pavement
always wanted one of these
Am I over reacting my husband calls co worker “mi Reyna” my queen in Spanish
this is fendi!
Vegan lotion for tattoo healing
I'm ending my 4 year relationship.
This game of