Can anyone tell me what these 2 symbols mean on the dashboard?
Fine line pet portrait tattoos 1.5 years healed
Pokémon piece by Brian Ferraiolo at 3 Kings, NY
Is that blood?
[FT] Apriballs [LF] change my pokemon's tera types
Another ed6 stolen from me
[FT] any apriball of your choice [LF] an apriball alomomola with 0 speed
FT: any apriball of your choice LF: 2x Ice Stone
Anyone got good frame recommendations for the rest? (pochita too) (no budget)
Is there anyway to disable automatic drops?
Edition 2 picture for gabimaru leaked. (Using the cloudfront link)
Frame ideas
✧ Shiny Market Funeral Giveaway: Part 1 ✿ Aprishiny Sets ✧
I need suggestions for frames for my chainsaw man cards
How does single print cards price work
I got my Aki🥳 now i need to save up for a frame again
Price? (Mint dropped)
Femto from Berserk custom ed 2 and 3
Kyogre done by Sigak in Vism Studio in Los Angeles, CA
SV: Moon Ball 4IV with No Good Attack Hisui-Zorua Giveaway
[H] Valentines trim shiny furfrous in Go [W] Paypal
FT: lots of shinies LF: apriballs
FT: Shiny Moon Ball Froakie LF: Personality marked pokemon
FT: Aprishinies, Apriballs, HA Aprimon | LF: Apri+/shinies, Apriballs, Non ENG Dittos, Tera Service, MM Charizard
Raffle: Shiny Roaring Moon