Beginner rod advice
Beginner advice for rod
Shoutout to whoever this invader was 🤣
Budget pc
Scientists reveal the shape of a single 'photon' for the first time
Mould in car carpet
Which one is more difficult?
Swapping out series x for PC
Deep cleaning cup holders
Speaker compatibility
Confusion has ensued.
Best food when high?
[FO4] Mod to locate settlers
Is there a mod to locate settlers?
Audio interface for home practise.
Amp Sims
sOuLs VeTeRaNs
Plant ID Pakenham, Victoria
I’m broke but have a slow puncture with screw in tyre. I’m hoping it can be repaired instead of a replacement (since I physically cannot afford a new tyre)
This dude definitely should've had a cutscene, way more flasks, and a phase 2 (probably after half his flasks). The only mandatory Tarnished we fight (besides Godfrey) and he's the biggest punching bag of the game 😭😭
Opinions on Hugo Boss: The Scent?
Outfit planning
What is this symbol?
Which boss fight gave you more trouble - Fire Giant or Godskin Duo?
Doc Martens for a cocktail theme wedding?