Nightwing and Starfire Superman/Lois reference.
Lucas Meyer the man you are 😭
I'm Yanick Paquette, 30+ years comic artist veteran, Dc, Marvel tons of comics. AMA
Do you guys think season 3 will end with Invincible War?
Is there enough time for this not to feel rushed?
This season is the weakest season so far
my cover for Justice league Unlimited #7
Current Joshua Williamson run might be an “all-timer” Superman run…
I read All Star Superman to prepare for Gunns Superman. It’s a horrible comic.
What if Flying Fox teamed up with Owl Woman in the comics?
Do the "true" DC fans really believe one photo is going to make us forget everything Gunn's done and "embrace" his DCU overnight?
Starfire disappointment?
[Comic Excerpt] Her Name Is Wonder Woman. (Wonder Woman Vol. 6 #18)
My catwoman cosplay
The details of Superman's new suit
why hasnt marvel made any Luke Cage comic run? Whats holding back his success? Luke Cage connecting to the streets and putting messages on black struggle will always be strong to connect to people, hes an Avengers main character for many books why havent they tried with him
How is this possible?
If you really like this, you deserve to keep getting shitty movies.
Now that we've seen the trailers. Which of these 3 are you most excited for?
Facts, not opinions
Detective Comic Runs
Immortal had the best reaction during this scene
[Comic Excerpt] That pairing sure didn't work [Teen Titans: Year One #5]
Which is your favorite JL lineup?
[Artwork] The Trinity in Marvel Rivals