Do you still worry about the future?
Why did Chekhov not condemn his characters, as Tolstoy or Dostoyevsky did, but only observe them with irony and sadness?
The Three Sisters
Wang Manyu in Singapore Smash 2025?
Is there any evidence for true indeterminism or acausality at the macroscopic level? [equal to or larger than atoms]
The new Deepseek AI from China is an incredible IFS aid
Have you checked out No Free Will or Determinism?
What do we mean by LUCK in the context of determinism?
Somatic Experiencing Book List & Other Resources
Who is the main representative of this ideology?
Persuade me that decision making does not show Free Will.
Any form of yoga that has zero static stretching while incorporating pandiculation as defined by Thomas Hanna?
Why doesn't this subreddit have a guide on how to do somatic experiencing?
All animals are equal but some animals are more equal 🙂
How does the idea of wasting our time or lives fare under NFW?
Self care doesn’t result in self love
What mindset helps you to love yourself?
Tea with exquisite smell/soothing the nervous system?
Bridge the gap between your current self and your ideal self!
Short yet mind blowing
Questions that can make a believer in free will [almost everyone out there] to think and maybe doubt his belief in FW?
Literally how? How do I do this? How do you guys do it???
A problem with sensations
How do I stop caring what others think?
Anyway I can view this ebook on Kindle Paper white?