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Is there any point in getting a lighting surge protector for my antenna setup
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50ohm impedance trace in wifi/ BLE module
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As an Engineering Manager, how do you handle internal stress?
Scientists have developed a solar-powered and emission-free system to convert saltwater into fresh drinking water. It is also more than 20% cheaper than traditional methods, and can be deployed in rural locations around the globe.
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29M Engineering Manager considering MBA
This is assuming “yoof” is a homomorphism
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Nvidia's newest competitor: the Groq blazing fast, game-changing LPU
Got my forklift certification but haven’t told my boss about it. He told me I’d get trained at company after 3 months but it didn’t happen and I got it myself. Should I tell him ?
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Are digital oscilloscopes something that is worth buying used as a beginner?
Is the EE industry is like the tech industry?
Does a 20kV MOSFET exist?
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How to wake up an ESP32 from deep sleep with a very short pulse (~100us)?
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