wordington woman
My Windows news widget has been pushing tons of birdbrained clickbait (that I keep falling for) lately. This was the one that finally pushed me to turn it off
Throwing my wrench into the ring
Shiba stroking his enchanted blade 😱😱😱
Beeves beholds a bodacious biddy
In Dorohedoro there was a devil named Darknight who was originally named Dai
Schoolgirl Caught Smoking
Called it
RR-esque moment in Kagurabachi: Iori protecting Ikura (major spoilers)
What is this?
Smartest American
Cyberstore (but upgraded)
The episode one death that incites the whole story.
r/Indianmeninpanties has been banned 🚫
Does anyone know where this drawing is from?
characters full of kindness and hope living in a story where almost everyone is evil/morally gray
'The (adjective) (number)' teams
Funko pops
Losercity Grandpa
Characters who are heavily connected with a single phrase or word
How long was Chidaruma cursed to live as a human?
wtf is this?!!
That’s cute