How much did you earn as a sales professional last year?
When clients claim you said something you didn’t
Who Are Your Must Have Players for Next Season?
Quick shootout to Trey McBride
You would have done absolutely nothing for the Woman On Fire.
Kids opened their presents without me
Can I recover this sale?
Do men/women actually find male genitalia attractive? If not, what parts are the most attractive?
Just got a FIFTH quarter added to my year next year.
How much are you actually working until EOY?
SaaS sellers, which territory would you choose? Yellow or pink?
Commish changed playoffs from 4 to 12 people in 16 man
Why are sales people so bad at sales?
"Is there anything we can do to get this thing moving forward?"
Songs about losing a friend
Being asked basic knowledge questions can be deeply insulting.
Songs that have a huge tonal change in the middle. Not just key, but the whole vibe.
Who could play two full concerts, not repeat any song, and generally have their audience still feel fulfilled no matter which show they attended?
Have you ever offered a "Black Friday" discount in B2B sales?
Salesforce hiring a ton of AEs
I am the biggest liar ever and nobody knows that I am
work 20-35 hours a week with 200k+ ote?
Anyone else dislike long concerts, mostly due to openers?
Favourite Metallica Riff or Solo ?