Second Thoughts About Continuing with IVF – Need Advice
For people who came to your shower but did not buy off the registry, what did they get you?
Possible to permanently get rid of mice in NYC apartment?
Vegetarian friendly quiet spot for out of town VIP
Pressure to induce…
NYC Sends More Cops to Subway Again, but Many Subway Riders Remain Fearful
Do we really love passion fruit all that much? (Flavor discussion)
32 week growth scan - baby is HUGE. Specifically, concerned about large head
No baby shower gifts?
Today I leaned NYC is very behind when it comes to postpartum rooms
What’s a portable anything that you bring with you?
How did you get screwed over genetically?
5* Tokyo property with privacy in bathroom
After being on here more I realize people really don’t like new moms and baby showers.
Sanitation didn't pick up my trash in the new NYC bin. What am I doing wrong?
People are arguing with me that it’s rude/weird to throw your own baby shower and it’s making me furious
520am and can’t sleep, 35 weeks pregnant
Breathing is for chumps
Improving Morning Sickness
How much does car insurance go up when switching to a city address?
Is it lame to go wedding dress shopping alone in nyc?
Navigating the fertility process as a single female in her late 30s is so isolating and filled with grief
Any experience with Cornell Fertility offices?
Baby classes/CPR
Are maternity pictures worth it?