Randomly satisfying things
let there be light
Medusa is really, really hard
Nacho is fine as hell
Who’s your Assassin’s Creed crush? (Non playable characters only)
What's the most shocking scene of this entire series according to you?
Which Season had Jake’s best Haircut
Psych grad career suggestions - non-clinical?
What does Origins have over Odyssey?
Finally finished Odyssey! What next?
Bad Attitude Scene
Am I the only one that actually likes this episode?
What is your all time favourite scene from the show?
If you could time travel, which awful B99 episode script would you burn out of existence?
Indian Australians, please give me context.
Favorite tomb?
What are the biggest plot holes involving Dreamworks films in your opinion?
Anubis Guards should stop smoking
Did anyone know about this!?
dasara is a festival hindus celebrate for victory of a woman diety over injustice
What's the most white DreamWorks film?
What is your favorite city?
Recommendations for women’s hairdresser that actually look at hair health
Forbes review: ouch.