So what's up with Rambo not having a zero skill?
Opinion on this tactic? I'm not sure about the structured fluidity and my 3 offensive players being on ATK duty.
Dylematy moralne - Autor, a książka
Is economy a scam?
Buying FM24 Tomorrow after playing Fifa since 2019. Any Tips?
Ceny biletów kolejowych to jakiś kiepski żart
Is My build ok? and what GPU is the best for my Build?
Czy mógłby mi ktoś spróbować opisać na ile niewygodny może być garnitur?
Daki showing how to play tier VIII tech tree tanks and still be competitive
Do people sim chunks of the league? Or take control of every week?
Małżeństwa tej samej płci.
Który region w Polsce lubicie najbardziej, a który najmniej i dlaczego?
This game upsets me when I play it, and I disagree with the monetization scheme. I am deleting my account to stop myself from playing it anymore. No ill will to the community, but this game is not healthy for me. GG.
Why is it impossible for my player to be called up to the national team?
What things do you feel people exaggerate about in FM?
How do I stop big clubs from stealing my players?
Potrzebna porada osoby „komputerowej”
Please help me upgrade my PC
Build a Nation…for a new player
Is this a good deal for premium time?
I believe GPUs would bring plenty joy to gamers if computed more physics than graphics
In Nazi-occupied Poland in 1939, Polish citizens who were given death sentences without a trial were put to death by firing squad.
Książki od których nie można się oderwać