AIO? Gf talking to me
Men over 30, what's the little thing that you have never been able to evercome, however hard you tried?
What a clever game!
Oh boy!
Mom being invasive of son and continues to publicly post him
Pathetic to blame DEI
No Pooping Allowed!!
I bought Bitcoin in 2015 and forgot until now
“Reset the Wifi”
AIO? My bf gets so nasty sometimes…
Round plastic disc thing embedded in the wall of my den at shoulder height, about the size of a dime, one in my bedroom too.
Sound every few minutes for a month now. Wonder what’s wrong? (Audio on please)
Associate 1 word in connection to this truck
How do I report my manager?
Blandino: Thought Josh Allen got the first down, unclear why line judge changed his mind [NBC News]
Chat can I still redeem this coupon I found under my desk at work?
Was planning on hiring someone to run ethernet through my walls. Was asked to send a photo of the network panel and the inside of a wall plate. Found string on both ends... could I simply use it to pull the cables through myself?
Found a relic at work.
The Subway Sandwich You Should Avoid Ordering According To Reddit - Chowhound
So i found hard plastic in my food today. I tried calling the store, no answer. What to do?
Why did they have to ruin the Chicken Bacon Ranch Melt?
Question as a first time worker
Tongkat Ali 4 month results
Welp I s’pose *slaps knee*
Question: would ppl be allowed to stay in a 24-hour Subway overnight? (USA)