Personal Best
Feliz Navidad Widow
Nothing like a zarya + tracer ult combo. Like bread and butter
Humble Book Bundle: Unseen Struggles: Living with Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, and More
This made me happy
My honest evaluation of how much value getting a formal diagnosis provided.
My honest evaluation of how much value getting a formal diagnosis of ASD 1 provided.
How did people survive with Aspergers in the past?
Drew our God
A few months ago I committed to getting a venture skin when it was released even though I don’t play them, but I feel like I cheated by getting a Kiri skin too…
Running a poll on as many overwatch subs as I can, thoughts on 6v6?
Women are so cute and I think they are available for sale
Should a person who receives no kindness in their life be expected to give it back?
Finally asked a girl out. She said "gross. No way". My self esteem is shot.
Tank passive in kingmaker?
Any chance of tracers formal skin coming back?
Which Hero Would You Choose to Star in their Own Video Game?
What’s your Audiophile “Guilty Pleasure” that you enjoy? That is, which piece of equipment is blasphemous to the typical Audiophile mindset, but you find yourself shamelessly enjoying - and why?
Is there a Tracer skin that makes her more British?
Is there a skin for tracer that makes it so she’s not British
Thoughts on possible 3-1-2 6v6 compositions?
Give me a headcanon of your main and Ill try to guess who is it
period blood taste tierlist