My NPR Interview about the new drug KarTX.
I Finally Spoke Out about Growing Up with Schizophrenia
I was interviewed by All Neurotypes Office about growing up with schizophrenia.
I was interviewed by All Neurotypes Office about growing up with schizophrenia
Alma's Dad is selfish.
If you were to go (back) to school what would you study and why?
Poisonous botany book
Growing up in the 80’s, what were some things that your friends were able to have that were not allowed by your parents?
I am a psych nurse. AMA
Season 4 episode 17, “Roz’s Turn” upset me last night, I’m disappointed
What’s the best movie about mental illness you’ve ever watched?
Recently got a job as a gardener in a zoo. After 10 years hating my job as a property inspector I now get to plant trees and hang out with parma wallabies 😍
Schizophrenics who stop speaking?
Hoping to interview people with SZA for a YouTube channel/podcast
Is it normal for a psychiatrist not to share your diagnosis with you?
Why were Koosh balls so popular? I must have had 10!
Loved one talking to self, what do you do?
AMA I have schizophrenia and bipolar 2. I was diagnosed in my early twenties and lost almost two decades to mental health. If my parents hadn’t suffered and taken me in I’d be on the streets for sure.
Why did I hide my psychosis?
Recommendations for a bored puppers? Tried fetch, toys, puzzles...
Please take my crochet school survey!! :)
Planet Zoo, Cat Cafe Manager, and Lake giveaway!
Gorgeous artwork, it definitely came home!
Why, mom, why??? (CaddyCakes takes a bath)
I Had to Put My Cat to Sleep This Morning