Had an identity crisis during exam season. Did I fuck up? Planning on getting the sides faded.
Anthropology department
Should I keep going with this? I don't know what to call it but people are usually extremely positive or extremely negative
Just Ended My Shedding Phase, I think? Does this mean I am likely to have regrowth starting now?
First Trip Logistics
Does anyone know when the vol wall (climbing gym) opens?
Anybody have thoughts on the brand Aurobindo for finasteride?
Thanks for keeping our roads safe
I started drinking topical minoxidil around a week ago and now a bunch of hair is falling out
Think it will work?
My personal Haikyuu tier list!
It's fine JJ, wishing you a speedy recovery
Are these little hairs signs of regrowth?
Tb to this jj was moving mad🤣🤣🤣
Finasteride only: Before vs 11 months
Are finasteride reactions hereditary?
Golden hour attempt
[DISCUSSION]How hard really is the lick in Snow (Hey Oh)-RHCP?
Do I need a circumcision?
How much hair did you guys lose while waiting for the effects of finasteride to kick in?
Which style works best for me?
Long hair or short hair?
Signs of regrowth? Or ist ich over fur mich?
Looking for honest advice. Which is the best look for me?
What length looks best on me?