Gravity in Interstellar
Pizza in North Tonawanda
This will be at City Hall in Buffalo
Pint of Guinness
I've struggled for so long, I'm tired.
How to get into insure tech as an underwriter?
Ditching my Tesla. Fuck Elon.
[NO SPOILERS] Soundtrack sampled in Innerbloom remix?
Struggle finding a JOB
If the last two weeks has affected you negatively, read this.
Can I get into insurance?
Local demonstrations planed?
Should I pay it all off right now??
25M 6 years ago I was a 2 time felon with no job now I have a home and wife and 3 kids. Happy guy :) never went to college
What would you change to my F30
Feds Back Shinnecock Land Rights, Possibly Derailing State and Local Lawsuits
What should I get done to my 2014 bmw 320i?¿
Who performed Carol of the Bells in the film Home Alone?
P and c commercial lines underwriters, how much are u making 8-10 years in?
Last time $GME closed above MA200 on the weekly it ran 3000% within 3 months. MA200 currently at 28.19$ and we about to cross for the first time since 2020
What Are Your Moves Tomorrow, November 13, 2024
What degree can I get to gain career traction?
Life before death, strength before weakness...
Just won a settlement. What now?