AITA for getting angry with my husband for reading personal messages between me and a female friend?
Stuck a handful of fresh McDonald's french fries up my a** and ate them
Age yourself with a movie you saw at the cinema as a kid.
What’s a common health myth that needs to go away already?
DAE get irrationally angry at other people enjoying their hobbies?
Is this normal when dating or am I doing something wrong?
AITAH for refusing to give my brother a ride on my motorcycle after he made fun of it for years?
What was the world like before everyone had a cell phone?
My girlfriend is crazy
My boyfriend wants to open the couple, what do you think?
Which celebrity death during your lifetime that hit you the hardest?
aitah for not removing my friend's bf as a follower before posting bikini pics from a shoot?
If you were to rank your country number 1 in something what would it be?
Who do I look like? I’m real curious
Anybody still having sex in the car?
Born in 70
AITA if I don’t provide the code my boss needs after they fired me?
Private video
People over 35, what do you personally spend your expendable income on?
If you were a jelly bean, what flavor would you be and why?
I need a wee right now. I literally cannot hold it.
Sister got pregnant should we marry each other Sister got pregnant should we marry each other
"I saw a post i didnt agree with, i didnt get offended, i didnt comment, i just kept scrolling"
My (M31) GF (F28) wants an open relationship, how to make this work?
What is something you don’t regret?