People who are not ready for the possibility of having to raise a child together should not have sex.
Looking for girlies to go out with!
Yes guys, it has now been 400 days since the trailer! All we have to do is wait...
Erm. I feel attacked
Regarding today's new leaked screenshot.
Anyone else see the fight that broke out at Bonaventure Metro today?
It feels like we are just counting down the days.
We all are part of Rockstar Team just not acknowledged by them.
Because of whales on GTA online Rockstar has no real reason to care what fans think of them right now.
My Hero (My Dad) died a few hours ago to Cancer.. I held his hand as he took his final breathe, that was a Christmas Day that’ll haunt me forever
27th update
What makes Bones your comfort show?
Holy shit its happening
my mom is dying from cancer and she may have a few days to a few weeks left to live.
Christmas Grief
I feel so poor rn :'(
has anyone ever experienced this issue on pc/steam
All metro lines down, what's happening?
So I have come with a story for an episode that I am pretty sure did not happen.
Attention à vos fesses (métro Papineau)
State sous la neige
Farine Five Roses in the fog. Taken from the REM
Today at the Côte-Sainte-Catherine metro station
Bus ride last night
I am sick and tired of out of touch influncers/ if you are an influncer you are out of touch.